Sunday, May 20, 2012

Expo Approaches!!!

Sorry for the mini hiatus, but theres been a lot going on. I've checked the hive twice since I last posted, and the first time was very hectic. The second, on the other hand, wasn't so bad.

In the first inspection, I realized that I had put the inner cover on upside down, and the bees had filled the space with comb; and not just comb, but brood comb. Basically, I feel like a baby killer. I had to remove this mass of brood comb and the bees weren't happy, and I felt like crying. I didn't, but it was still very traumatizing, and I have learned my lesson. Sadly, I don't have any good video of this happening, because I was doing it on my own- my father being my usual cameraman.

The inspection after that went smoothly. I moves over some empty frames and added the second deep body box. I was again alone, but nothing bad happened this time

All that said, we've been working in the garden a lot lately. I got my berry patch growing! I have two blueberry bushes, two raspberry stalks, and four strawberries, all surrounded by a ring of marigolds to keep out the bunnies. I also sowed my sunflower seeds, so I now start the patient wait for them to  emerge. Its all very exciting!

On a different note, my grandfather came over today to work on my expo project. We got my two poster boards covered with a really cure bee fabric, but we ran out of ribbon for the boarder, and lost a "L" for the name of my project, "Bee Calm and Buzz On." So, those aren't done at all, and my expo practice run is tomorrow. Ugh. Ah well. I'll get a bad grade tomorrow, and pull it up by expo night. I would have had it finished if it weren't for Hobby Lobby being closed on sundays. Very inconvenient. 

My table cloth is on bottom, the poster board cover on top, and the dot ribbon the boarder. The other ribbon was just an extra.

Tip Time:

Look for the Water Sense label on products you buy. It's just the same as any other product, but has the benefit of being good for the environment.

Also, the best way to recycle is to reuse. Try using glass jars as togo cups and old butter tubs as "zip locks." Stop using plastic bags in your lunches, and put your sandwich in an old ham container. You can also reuse food waste by making a compost pile and save left over coffee in the fridge for iced coffee later. And a very society friendly way to get rid of old clothes and blankets is to donate them to red cross, vietnam vets, or the salvation army. You can even donate heavily used blankets to animal shelters as a soft place for those furry guys to sleep on.

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