Thursday, June 14, 2012

Expo and Beyond!!

Hello to all! School is now out, and I am so very very happy! I apologize for the late post, but I have been spending the past few days obsessing over My Little Pony. No. Seriously.

So. Expo. There's not much to be said besides it wasn't as big a deal as I thought. For those of you who were there, you will remember that it was mostly a lot of standing around and answering the same questions. It was kinda fun though, getting to show people my live bees in my terrarium. The poor things, they weren't all too happy with being there. It was loud and bright and cold... At least I got them back in the hive eventually.

So the other reason I haven't been posting is that I haven't had the need to check the hive in weeks. I'm now just waiting until I need to put the second box on. I believe in the laissez faire style of bee keeping. There is one thing that I can say happened though, I had my gifted class over for a post expo party, and the bees acted amazingly. I'm so happy that everything went off without any issues, but I had faith in my little insects.

Lastly, I am sad to say that my heart was broken when I found out that my city doesn't allow chickens...  I want some so badly.

Environmental Tip Time:

Whenever in drought, as Chicago land is at the moment, try to conserve as much water as you can. Save your watering to the garden and any new plants you may have planted as apposed to setting up a sprinkler every morning- your grass can take the heat. That said,  set up a rain water collector when it does rain. this could be just about anything that can hold water, but the larger the opening the better. You can then pour this into a watering can and use what would have just ended up on a patio for good use.

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